понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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It feels like my throat is bleeding - yes, it hurts that much. I donapos;t think that itapos;s actually bleeding though. It does explain why I didnapos;t feel like doing anything yesterday. Well it explains why I got so little done yesterday. Iapos;m going to try and get some shit done today but I doubt very much that is going to happen. I can probably put my music on this computer but I really want to clean up my room first I guess Iapos;ll see how it goes...

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Number One: Try to make it to every class. And I am totally breaking that today, I think, because I am about to drop dead now from tiredness. I just want a nice warm bed. Thatapos;s all. But I am going to Philosophy class and I hope to God we have a quiz so it was worth going to.. Because I am so tired. I donapos;t think I can live through three hours of Biology though. I am liable to explode.
Number Two: Figure out and make the decision about staying on second shift at work, or moving to third shift...
Number Three: Return that library book about Brian Epstein. I bet I owe a bajillion dollars on that thing...
Number Four: Make the decision about moving in with Chandra or not. I am leaning toward "Yes" because the rent is about the same as I am paying at Savvyapos;s and I get my own room and even more independence than I have now.
Number Five: Get my passport started (I hear it takes a long time to get, so I want to get the process initiated in ample time.
Number Five: Buy my plane tickets and make reservations at the hostels I want to stay at in London/Liverpool over the summer
Number Six: Buy more clothes. Everything from shirts to socks, I am lacking.
Number Seven: Pat myself on the back for sticking with the veggie lifestyle, but continue moving forward by maintaining GOOD veggie eating habits and not just bags of chips and Tace Bell every night.
Number Eight: Find more time for family.
Number Nine: Read the books I have been buying and then never having time to finish.

Yep. I have a lot of work to do... And I wonapos;t do half of it, I will tell you now. But at least I am aware of it all. Maybe a few items can be achieved....

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Having healthy snacks ready is a good way to avoid eating sugar. The problem is when you have an especially tasty snack waiting for you, for instance today, horse radish cheese. The internal monologue goes like this:

"Man, I canapos;t wait till Iapos;m hungry so I can eat some of the yummy cheese. I can imagine eating it right now, and how good it will be. I wish I was hungry right now. Wait a minute, I am I am hungry right now Yay Cheese Cheese Cheese"

So perhaps the secret is to buy crappy snacks, but not crappy enough where youapos;ll bother to go get a candy bar instead.
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i wanted to comment on the beginning part of the watchman, chapter 1. I noticed that there was a smiley face in it covered in blood and i looked up the definition of smiley face and with it, i noticed that there was a group called the "smiley face gang" and they left a trademark smiley face wherever they murdered someone. I wonder if that is supposed to be a take on that. The definition of smiley face is to express humor or delight, initiate humor. I thought that having the smiley face was kind of ironic because death is not associated with humor. It is sick and twisted. Maybe the person or persons who did it wanted it to be that way.

i also wanted to comment on rorschach. Immediately it made me think of the ink blot test and i wonder if the author used the name rorschac to associate with the ink blot test. The ink blot test is to determine personalities in people and if they have psychotic tendencies or not. The rorschach in this story, it seems, that everyone is afraid of him and thinks he will kill. Also, i noticed his face is covered with something so that no one can see his true identity. I wonder if that relates to the ink blots themselves. I took a look at a few of the ones used in the inkblod test and there really is no one true identity. There are common items that people assume it is, but not one true answer. It has no true identity and as far as i can tell now, neitherdoes the rorschach in this story.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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ATLANTA -- Ah, it's good to be home. Well, my other home anyway. Worked in Georgia for 18 months before coming back to The News, and I always love getting back down here.

Anyway, enough about me. Let's talk about Patrick Lalime. As expected, he's starting tonight against the Thrashers. He had a good debut against the Islanders on Monday, and starting 2-0 would be an impressive feat, especially since it would move the Sabres to 5-0.

"Every time you get a chance to be out there, you want to be part of this," Lalime said.

It'll be interesting to see which trend continues tonight: Patrick Kaleta drawing a penalty; Thomas Vanek scoring a goal; Teppo Numminen getting an assist; and/or the penalty killers remaining perfect.

---John Vogl

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This blog reached a couple of milestones recently that I just wanted to make a quick mention of.� After starting this blog in December of 2007, the pageview count just recently crossed over the 100,000 mark right around the first of September.� It actually happened so fast, I missed it for a few days.� Also, the Feedburner count just crossed over the 500 subscriber mark this week, which is really nice.� I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who visits, reads, comments, and emails The Pen Addict - you guys and gals really keep this site going� This blog has exceeded every expectation I had when I started it.

I've got some cool things planned in the near future, including the first of what I hope to be several giveaways.� As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, send me an email via the link on the sidebar, or leave a comment on any blog post.� I read them all and try to respond in a timely fashion.

Thanks again
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According to my horoscope in todayapos;s paper...

Your wild side makes an appearance on the scene. Can a person live on the edge and still remain gainfully employed? Youapos;re intent on finding out as you whoop it up in one way or another.

Too bad I read it after work today instead of before, sounds like it would have been much more interesting.

Well, I am off to whoop it up. Letapos;s hope I stay gainfully employed.

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