понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

el chaco argentino

Number One: Try to make it to every class. And I am totally breaking that today, I think, because I am about to drop dead now from tiredness. I just want a nice warm bed. Thatapos;s all. But I am going to Philosophy class and I hope to God we have a quiz so it was worth going to.. Because I am so tired. I donapos;t think I can live through three hours of Biology though. I am liable to explode.
Number Two: Figure out and make the decision about staying on second shift at work, or moving to third shift...
Number Three: Return that library book about Brian Epstein. I bet I owe a bajillion dollars on that thing...
Number Four: Make the decision about moving in with Chandra or not. I am leaning toward "Yes" because the rent is about the same as I am paying at Savvyapos;s and I get my own room and even more independence than I have now.
Number Five: Get my passport started (I hear it takes a long time to get, so I want to get the process initiated in ample time.
Number Five: Buy my plane tickets and make reservations at the hostels I want to stay at in London/Liverpool over the summer
Number Six: Buy more clothes. Everything from shirts to socks, I am lacking.
Number Seven: Pat myself on the back for sticking with the veggie lifestyle, but continue moving forward by maintaining GOOD veggie eating habits and not just bags of chips and Tace Bell every night.
Number Eight: Find more time for family.
Number Nine: Read the books I have been buying and then never having time to finish.

Yep. I have a lot of work to do... And I wonapos;t do half of it, I will tell you now. But at least I am aware of it all. Maybe a few items can be achieved....

contributing factors, el chaco argentino, el chaka, el chal, el chalan.

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